Sunday, August 14, 2011

Can you guess what I am drawing ?

Hi readers,

I finished a pencil sketch very recently which took around 5 hours to complete the whole thing without using eraser. I took multiple snaps with my iPhone while I was drawing to make a video out of it. Suddenly I got a funny idea, "why can't I post few pics and ask you to let you guess what it is?" Isn't it a good idea ?

As a first step I am uploading few snaps. Please comment with your idea or guess and please follow this blog for next pictures. I am going to update this blog for 2 more times with next pictures and complete video. Thanks for reading and visiting my blog. I am very sorry if I waste your valuable time.

                                                            Here is the answer: click here


  1. Wow Its so simple to Comment Basi...
    Here are my feelings on my first view...
    The First one is so simple its nothing there (Soonyam ) Blank Page...
    2nd one ...Its just simple a Bbque Chicken Leg piece...
    3rd one is a tail of a smalll Puuppy or pussy cat...
    4th two cartoon characters....
    5th Its just any Modern art...We cant express any thing to it...:)
    6th An Incompleted pic ..So no comments on the patially completed picture...
    uhhh the last two 7th and 8th yeah these are the pics we need to really concentrate ...Hmm they are looking like the Bird pic rotated a side...

    Hey Basi Iam done with this episode....
    Frnds Think creatively and tell the pic...Enjoy ...:)

  2. Hi Vikatakavi,

    Thanks for ur creative guesses. :)
    But I am not sure who u r exactly. I can guess u r from one of my close friends group. Once again appreciating for ur thoughts but unfortunately U r failed ;)

  3. Yeah Bhaskar I know that iam going to fail...But still i tried to understand with my Creativity :) ...i am sure that even u also cant guess if u see these pictures for the first time...Send some more pics so that we can come to conclusion...

  4. :) ha ha... that's right. The reason to post incomplete pictures is only to confuse my friends. :) Just for fun. I know its very difficult to guess by seeing at incomplete one.
    The main thing in this picture is I have started this pic from an unusual point (to give a puzzle), without drawing the out lines and by giving complete shadings then and there before going to next part. you can clearly observe that in the video of my next post. Thanks once again to my mysterious friend.

  5. Nice thought!! I Like your frankness.Mystery is at the heart of creativity,So my friend you have creative heart..Enjoy!!

  6. Hey No updates from your side ?? or am i missing ??

  7. Hi Vikathakavi,

    U r not missing anything my dear friend. I took rest from drawing for a while. Uploaded my photography to YouTube in my channel. Ofcourse that's not that gr8 video. Had a good trip to atlanta savannah Georgia.
